Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth [UEVR + VRto3D]

praydog's awesome UEVR makes it possible to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth in 3D!


  • Optionally support praydog's work on Patreon
  • Thanks to markmon for his movie fix script!
  • When UEVR is injected, you can open its menu in-game by pressing INSERT and adjust the VR settings there like UI Size and Distance or Screen Percentage (for more performance)
  • New Auto-Depth plugin for VRto3D included. Swaps between lower depth for dialogue/menus/cutscenes and higher depth for gameplay
  • Toggle between different depth presets for menus/cutscenes using the XInput Guide Button or Numpad 3 (this can be changed in the VRto3D profile if desired)
  • DLSS Transformer model recommended. See here for setup
  • LoD Fix mod recommended. Download the "Scalability" version and install it to <path-to-game>\End\Content\Paks\~mods
  • Disable HDR in Windows settings
  • If you have really bad performance/flickering, try turning HAGS off
  • 3DVision hardware is playable on latest drivers thanks to WibbleWobble. Check VRto3D ReadMe for instructions

In-Game Settings:

  • Display Mode Windowed
  • Anti-Aliasing Method set to 'DLSS' for Transformer model
  • Dynamic Resolution Scaling Max can be set to 50% when using DLSS
  • Dynamic Resolution Scaling Min can match the Max setting or lower
  • Background Model Detail is really strenuous - don't use Ultra

You will need:

  • VRto3D setup for your 3D display here
  • Download and extract the latest VRto3D profiles to your "Documents\My Games\vrto3d\" folder
    • The "ff7rebirth_.exe_config.json" can be edited for different hotkeys or depth settings. Reference the VRto3D ReadMe for details
  • Follow the general UEVR instructions for installation (Nightly version 01039 or newer required) and launching a game below
  • Download this profile
  • Import into UEVR using the "Import Config" button and select "Yes" to the DLL Warning
  • The "auto_depth.txt" can be edited if you want to use different depth settings for Auto-Depth
  • Run UEVR in OpenXR mode for this game

Known Issues

  • Auto-Depth sometimes doesn't trigger the correct depth. Use the Gamepad (Guide button) or Keyboard (Numpad 3) hotkey if you need to go to the lower depth. Auto-Depth can be disabled with Ctrl+F11 if preferred
  • As with many newer Unreal Engine games, it can have performance issues. I'm able to run it relatively well at 1080p 3D on 2080ti
  • If performance tanks and is bad even in the game menu, save the game, exit to title, and load your save

The below instructions are also available on GitHub

Friday, January 24, 2025

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO [DX11]

geo-11 fix for DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO, running in DX11 mode.

Update (2025-01-24): fix updated to support new effects from the first DLC pack. Fixed some other minor issues.

Update (2024-12-26): fixed some regex mistakes. Fixed a minor effect during Iishinron's transformation.

- Haloing issues.
- Aura effects.
- Shadows.
- Lighting.
- Volumetric lighting.
- Light shafts.
- Fog.
- Decals.
- Reflections.
- Radial blur.
- Motion blur.
- One-eye issues.
- Temporal antialiasing.
- Lens flares.
- Vignette and chromatic aberration (vignette is disabled by default).
- Other effects.
- Autoconvergence configured.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "DRAGON BALL Sparking! ZERO\SparkingZERO\Binaries\Win64" folder , where "SparkingZERO-Win64-Shipping.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need. 3D Vision modes not tested.
- Set the Steam launch parameter as "-dx11" (no quotes) to make the game work in DX11 mode.
- Run the game.

Known issues
- Autoconvergence won't work with some combinations of internal resolution vs output resolution.

- Using mods like unlocking fps past 60 or adding new characters, maps and music are OK to use.
- This game doesn't use EAC, so geo-11 isn't a problem when playing online (unlocking fps with mods is a problem, however).
- The "High" shadows setting is considerably more GPU demanding than "Medium". Consider using "Medium" if you need more GPU performance.
- The game is more CPU demanding than you may expect, especially at the "City" and "City Ruins" stages.

F1: convergence presets (50, 320). It only works when "dm_auto_convergence" is set to 0 in "d3dxdm.ini".
F3: by default, some particles and effects interfere with autoconvergence, and the fix disables the ones that pop out too much to avoid low convergence when not desired. You can disable that modification with this hotkey.
F4: vignette toggle. Disabled by default. In my opinion, it's an annoying effect, especially in 3D.
F5: chromatic aberration toggle. Not disabled by default. The game only uses it during some intro scenes, transformations or special attacks.
F6: cel shading toggle. Not disabled by default.
F7: fake sun rays toggle. Not disabled by default. These are sun rays that appear in sunny stages, when not looking at the sky directly. They are fake (not real lighting) and I made them stick to surfaces, but if you want to disable them, use this hotkey. This doesn't affect underwater sun rays, which make more sense.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account: masterotakusuko@gmail.com

Thursday, January 16, 2025


geo-11 fix for DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake.

- Lighting.
- Shadows.
- Reflections.
- Decals.
- Heatwave effects.
- TAA.
- Haloing issues.
- One-eye issues.
- Vignette.
- HUD and mouse cursor at dynamic depth.
- Autoconvergence configured.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake\Game\Binaries\Win64" folder , where "DQIIIHD2DRemake.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need.
- Run the game.

F1: convergence presets (900, 1800, 2700, 3600). 1800 by default, but only if you set "dm_auto_convergence" to 0 in "d3dxdm.ini".
F2: minimap depth presets (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). 25% by default.
- F3: by default, some particles and effects interfere with autoconvergence, and the fix disables the ones that pop out too much to avoid low convergence when not desired. You can disable that modification with this hotkey.
F4: vignette toggle. Not disabled by default, for story reasons.

- At high resolutions, the depth of field effect can be very GPU demanding. If you need more GPU performance, consider disabling it in the game's graphics settings.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account: masterotakusuko@gmail.com
Or you can join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/masterotaku

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Forgive Me Father 2

geo-11 fix for Forgive Me Father 2.

- Lighting.
- Shadows.
- Volumetric lighting.
- Light shafts.
- Skyboxes.
- Reflections.
- Decals.
- TAA, TSR and FSR.
- Haloing issues.
- One-eye issues.
- Geometry culling.
- Vignette (disabled by default).
- Chromatic aberration.
- Crosshairs at dynamic depth.

Known issues
- Some remaining lighting clipping.
- geo-11 is not compatible with DLSS. Don't use that.
- If you use "upscaling = 1" in "d3dxdm.ini", you are going to have some problems with the mouse cursor in windowed and fullscreen modes. Better use borderless in that case.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "Forgive Me Father 2\FMF2\Binaries\Win64" folder , where "FMF2-Win64-Shipping.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need.
- Run the game.

F1: convergence presets (25, 37.5, 75). 37.5 by default.
F4: vignette toggle. Disabled by default.
F5: chromatic aberration toggle. Disabled by default.
p: weapon convergence scaling presets. The game makes weapons pop out too much, a lot more than in the first game. By default I set a preset that imitates the weapon depth of the first game. The rest of the presets (apart from the unmodified state) push weapons even further into depth. The more in depth they are, the more lighting issues they may show.

- You can use any antialiasing and upscaling method that you want (from the game options), except DLSS. Use what you think looks/performs best.
- Keep in mind that TSR is very GPU demanding, and that both TAA and TSR become very demanding when the output resolution is very high (like 3840x2160), even if the internal resolution percentage is low. FSR doesn't consume as much GPU as TSR. And you can always just not use any antialiasing if you don't want to.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account: masterotakusuko@gmail.com
Or you can join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/masterotaku

Forgive Me Father

geo-11 fix for Forgive Me Father.

- Lighting.
- Shadows.
- Volumetric lighting.
- Reflections.
- Decals.
- TAA.
- Haloing issues.
- One-eye issues.
- Vignette (disabled by default).
- Chromatic aberration.
- Crosshairs at dynamic depth.

Known issues
- Some remaining lighting clipping.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.198): download this file and extract its contents in the "Forgive me Father\FMF\Binaries\Win64" folder , where "FMF-Win64-Shipping.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need.
- Run the game.

- F1: convergence presets (25, 50, 100). 50 by default.
- F4: vignette toggle. Disabled by default.
- F5: chromatic aberration toggle. Not disabled by default, because the game uses it for some special effects from skills and other story moments.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account: masterotakusuko@gmail.com
Or you can join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/masterotaku

Sonic Colors: Ultimate

geo-11 fix for Sonic Colors: Ultimate.

- Lighting.
- Haloing issues.
- One-eye issues.
- Radial blur.
- Underwater effects.
- Lock-on icons at dynamic depth.

- geo-11 fix (with build v0.6.164): download this file and extract its contents in the "SonicColorsUltimate\exec" folder , where "SonicColorsUltimate.exe" is. Remember to edit "d3dxdm.ini" to change the "direct_mode" to the output method you need.
- Run the game.

F1: convergence presets (16, 24, 32). 16 by default.

- I wasn't able to make the fix work alongside HedgeModManager. Both try to use "d3d11.dll" and this time Ultimate ASI Loader didn't help. At least the last time I tried.

If you liked the fix and want to contribute for more future fixes, you can donate to this PayPal account: masterotakusuko@gmail.com
Or you can join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/masterotaku